Asked Questions
1. How is Tesseract Energy different from traditional energy retailers?

Tesseract Energy is different from traditional energy retailers as it specializes in providing renewable energy solutions, particularly through its Tesseract ZERO Energy Plan.

Unlike traditional retailers, Tesseract Energy focuses on clean and sustainable energy sources, offering a fixed rate of 28c per kWh* for solar and battery energy. This approach promotes long-term cost stability, helps reduce carbon footprints, and empowers customers to make a positive impact on the environment.

2. What is Tesseract ZERO?

Tesseract ZERO is an innovative energy plan offered by Tesseract Energy. It involves the installation of solar panels and battery storage systems at no upfront cost to customers. Under this plan, customers access renewable energy at a fixed rate of 28 cents per kWh*, providing predictable energy bills and significant savings compared to traditional utility rates.

3. How Does Tesseract ZERO work?

Tesseract ZERO works by harnessing solar battery through solar panels and storing excess energy in batteries. The solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which is used to power your home or business. Any excess energy generated during the day is stored in the batteries for use during periods of low sunlight or high energy demand, ensuring a reliable and continuous power supply.

4. How much could I save with Tesseract ZERO at 28c per kWh?

With Tesseract ZERO's fixed rate of 28 cents per kWh, customers could save up to 25% on solar and battery energy compared to traditional energy plans. This means significant cost savings and more control over energy expenses in the long run.

5. Will energy prices continue going up?

Energy prices have historically experienced fluctuations, often increasing over time. With Tesseract ZERO's fixed rate for three years, customers can enjoy cost stability and protection against potential future price hikes, making it a wise and reliable energy solution. Our rates will ALWAYS remain 25% below any retail costs

6. How come Tesseract ZERO could offer 3 years fixed price and other retailers could not?

Tesseract Energy can offer a fixed price for three years through strategic planning and investment in renewable energy infrastructure such as VPP and other clean energy options. Our expertise in the clean energy sector and commitment to long-term sustainability allow us to secure a stable fixed rate for our customers.

7. What will happen to Tesseract ZERO energy price offer after 3 years?

After the initial three-year fixed price period, Tesseract Energy will offer customers a competitive rate, ensuring it remains approximately 25% lower than current retailer charges. This ongoing rate will continue to provide long-term cost stability and energy savings.

8. Is the Energy I used from Tesseract ZERO 100% clean energy?

Yes, the energy you use from Tesseract ZERO is 100% clean and renewable. It comes from solar battery generated by the installed solar panels and stored in the battery system. Choosing Tesseract ZERO means you are actively contributing to a greener and more sustainable energy future.

9. Do I need to pay my electricity bill to the grid retailer separately?

No, there is no need to pay your electricity bill separately to a grid retailer. Tesseract ZERO's fixed rate of 28 cents per kWh includes all costs, and you will be billed for your energy usage through Tesseract Energy directly.

10. Is my home connected to grid?

Yes, your home will remain connected to the grid even with Tesseract ZERO. This ensures a continuous power supply, especially during periods of high energy demand if or when solar energy generation is insufficient.

11. What will happen when there are power grid outages?

During power grid outages, Tesseract ZERO's battery storage system will instantly kick in to provide backup power. This means you can still have access to electricity and enjoy a reliable power supply during such events.

12. Do I own the Solar and Battery System?

While the solar and battery system is installed on your premises, it remains the property of Tesseract Energy. This arrangement allows us to provide ongoing maintenance and support for the system throughout the agreement. After your agreement ends with Tesseract Energy you become the owner of your system.

13. How long do I have to sign up for?
The initial term of the Tesseract ZERO Energy Plan is ten years. Upon expiration, the agreement may be extended by mutual agreement between both parties.
14. Can I withdraw at any time?

While the initial term of the agreement is ten years, there may be provisions for early termination as outlined in the contract terms (terms will be outlined after your first initial consultation). For further information, please review the contract or contact our customer support team.

15. What is the tariff rate for feeding energy back into the grid?

The feed-in-tariff rate for energy sent back into the grid is established at 4 cents per kilowatt-hour, providing you with a credit for your surplus renewable energy contributions. When a customer subscribes to the Tesseract Energy Plan, Tesseract takes ownership of the solar and battery system. Consequently, Tesseract retains ownership of the solar energy generated by the solar system. This means that both the feed-in-tariff (FiT) and the revenue will be property of Tesseract, rather than the customer.

16. I already have solar panels, am I still eligible?

If you already have solar panels installed, our clean energy consultant will provide free advice tailored to your specific situation. In general, if your existing solar system is more than 5 years old and has a capacity of less than 5 kilowatts (kW), we typically recommend considering the removal of the old system and its replacement with the Tesseract ZERO solar and battery system.

On the other hand, if your current solar system is less than 5 years old and has a capacity of 6.6 kW or more, our recommendation typically leans towards retaining your solar panels and augmenting your setup with a battery. However, it also depends on how much energy you use and when you use the energy.

17. How does the solar feed-in system work?

The solar feed-in system allows you to send excess energy generated by your solar panels back to the grid. This surplus energy is measured by a bi-directional meter, and you'll receive a feed-in-tariff credit for the energy contributed.

18. Is the 28c only for the energy used from the solar? Is it a different rate for energy drawn from the grid?

The 28 cents per kWh rate applies specifically to the energy generated by your solar panels and energy stored in your battery. Any additional energy drawn from the grid will be subject to energy retailer’s rates.

19. What happens if I sell my house within the 10-year contract period?

If you decide to sell your house within the 10-year contract period, the agreement can be transferred to the new homeowner. They will have the option to continue with the Tesseract ZERO Energy Plan, providing them with the same benefits and cost stability.

Alternatively, customers have the option to purchase the solar and battery system outright at a reduced price.

Asked Questions
1. How is Tesseract Energy different
from traditional energy retailers?

Tesseract Energy is different from traditional energy retailers as it specializes in providing renewable energy solutions, particularly through its Tesseract ZERO Energy Plan.

Unlike traditional retailers, Tesseract Energy focuses on clean and sustainable energy sources, offering a fixed rate of 28c per kWh* for solar and battery energy. This approach promotes long-term cost stability, helps reduce carbon footprints, and empowers customers to make a positive impact on the environment.

2. What is Tesseract ZERO?

Tesseract ZERO is an innovative energy plan offered by Tesseract Energy. It involves the installation of solar panels and battery storage systems at no upfront cost to customers. Under this plan, customers access renewable energy at a fixed rate of 28 cents per kWh*, providing predictable energy bills and significant savings compared to traditional utility rates.

3. How Does Tesseract ZERO work?

Tesseract ZERO works by harnessing solar battery through solar panels and storing excess energy in batteries. The solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, which is used to power your home or business. Any excess energy generated during the day is stored in the batteries for use during periods of low sunlight or high energy demand, ensuring a reliable and continuous power supply.

4. How much could I save with Tesseract ZERO at 28c per kWh?

With Tesseract ZERO's fixed rate of 28 cents per kWh, customers could save up to 25% on solar and battery energy compared to traditional energy plans. This means significant cost savings and more control over energy expenses in the long run.

5. Will energy prices continue going up?

Energy prices have historically experienced fluctuations, often increasing over time. With Tesseract ZERO's fixed rate for three years, customers can enjoy cost stability and protection against potential future price hikes, making it a wise and reliable energy solution. Our rates will ALWAYS remain 25% below any retail costs

6. How come Tesseract ZERO could offer 3 years fixed price and other retailers could not?

Tesseract Energy can offer a fixed price for three years through strategic planning and investment in renewable energy infrastructure such as VPP and other clean energy options. Our expertise in the clean energy sector and commitment to long-term sustainability allow us to secure a stable fixed rate for our customers.

7. What will happen to Tesseract ZERO energy price offer after 3 years?

After the initial three-year fixed price period, Tesseract Energy will offer customers a competitive rate, ensuring it remains approximately 25% lower than current retailer charges. This ongoing rate will continue to provide long-term cost stability and energy savings.

8. Is the Energy I used from Tesseract ZERO 100% clean energy?

Yes, the energy you use from Tesseract ZERO is 100% clean and renewable. It comes from solar battery generated by the installed solar panels and stored in the battery system. Choosing Tesseract ZERO means you are actively contributing to a greener and more sustainable energy future.

9. Do I need to pay my electricity bill to the grid retailer separately?

No, there is no need to pay your electricity bill separately to a grid retailer. Tesseract ZERO's fixed rate of 28 cents per kWh includes all costs, and you will be billed for your energy usage through Tesseract Energy directly.

10. Is my home connected to grid?

Yes, your home will remain connected to the grid even with Tesseract ZERO. This ensures a continuous power supply, especially during periods of high energy demand if or when solar energy generation is insufficient.

11. What will happen when there are power grid outages?

During power grid outages, Tesseract ZERO's battery storage system will instantly kick in to provide backup power. This means you can still have access to electricity and enjoy a reliable power supply during such events.

12. Do I own the Solar and Battery System?

While the solar and battery system is installed on your premises, it remains the property of Tesseract Energy. This arrangement allows us to provide ongoing maintenance and support for the system throughout the agreement. After your agreement ends with Tesseract Energy you become the owner of your system.

13. How long do I have to sign up for?
The initial term of the Tesseract ZERO Energy Plan is ten years. Upon expiration, the agreement may be extended by mutual agreement between both parties.
14. Can I withdraw at any time?

While the initial term of the agreement is ten years, there may be provisions for early termination as outlined in the contract terms (terms will be outlined after your first initial consultation). For further information, please review the contract or contact our customer support team.

15. What is the tariff rate for feeding energy back into the grid?

The feed-in-tariff rate for energy sent back into the grid is established at 4 cents per kilowatt-hour, providing you with a credit for your surplus renewable energy contributions. When a customer subscribes to the Tesseract Energy Plan, Tesseract takes ownership of the solar and battery system. Consequently, Tesseract retains ownership of the solar energy generated by the solar system. This means that both the feed-in-tariff (FiT) and the revenue will be property of Tesseract, rather than the customer.

16. I already have solar panels, am I still eligible?

If you already have solar panels installed, our clean energy consultant will provide free advice tailored to your specific situation. In general, if your existing solar system is more than 5 years old and has a capacity of less than 5 kilowatts (kW), we typically recommend considering the removal of the old system and its replacement with the Tesseract ZERO solar and battery system.

On the other hand, if your current solar system is less than 5 years old and has a capacity of 6.6 kW or more, our recommendation typically leans towards retaining your solar panels and augmenting your setup with a battery. However, it also depends on how much energy you use and when you use the energy.

17. How does the solar feed-in system work?

The solar feed-in system allows you to send excess energy generated by your solar panels back to the grid. This surplus energy is measured by a bi-directional meter, and you'll receive a feed-in-tariff credit for the energy contributed.

18. Is the 28c only for the energy used from the solar? Is it a different rate for energy drawn from the grid?

The 28 cents per kWh rate applies specifically to the energy generated by your solar panels and energy stored in your battery. Any additional energy drawn from the grid will be subject to energy retailer’s rates.

19. What happens if I sell my house within the 10-year contract period?

If you decide to sell your house within the 10-year contract period, the agreement can be transferred to the new homeowner. They will have the option to continue with the Tesseract ZERO Energy Plan, providing them with the same benefits and cost stability.

Alternatively, customers have the option to purchase the solar and battery system outright at a reduced price.

Fixed Energy Costs
Enjoy predictable and consistent energy
expenses with our fixed rate of 28c per kWh*.
Clean Energy
Reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to
a cleaner environment by embracing solar battery.
Hassle-Free Transition
We handle everything, from installation to ongoing
maintenance, allowing you to experience the benefits
of solar battery without any hassle.
Significant Savings
Say goodbye to high energy bills and enjoy long-term cost
stability. Our affordable plan offers you the opportunity
to save money and improve your bottom line.
Fixed Energy Costs
Enjoy predictable and consistent
energy expenses with our fixed
rate of 8c per kWh*.
Clean Energy
Reduce your carbon footprint and
contribute to a cleaner environment
by embracing solar battery.
Hassle-Free Transition
We handle everything, from installation
to ongoing maintenance, allowing you
to experience the benefits of solar
battery without any hassle.
Significant Savings
Say goodbye to high energy bills
and enjoy long-term cost stability.
Our affordable plan offers you the
opportunity to save money and
improve your bottom line.
Join us at Tesseract Energy
and make a positive impact on your
energy costs and the environment.
Sign up for Tesseract ZERO today
and embark on your journey towards
affordable renewable energy.
Join us at Tesseract Energy and make a positive impact on your energy costs and the environment.
Sign up for Tesseract ZERO today and embark on your journey towards affordable renewable energy.
Switch to Tesseract ZERO today!
Clean, affordable energy for every home with no
installation cost.
Switch to Tesseract ZERO today!
Clean, affordable energy for every home with no installation cost.